Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter
Egg Cup Emil painter

Egg Cup Emil painter

€33,00 Sale Save

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EMIL schimmert hell und leicht in unserer Painters Glasur. Handgefertigt in unserem Studio, haben die Eierbecher die ideale Form für ein Frühstücksei und sind zudem ein schönes dekoratives Accessoire für viele andere Zwecke, etwa als Salz- und Pfeffer-Schälchen oder im Bad für kleine Schmuckschätze.


EMIL shimmers brightly and lightly in the Painters glaze. Handmade in our studio, the egg cups have the ideal shape for a breakfast egg ( size M or L) and are also a beautiful decorative accessory for many other purposes, such as a salt and pepper bowl or in the bathroom for your small jewellery treasures.


Wie alle unsere Steinzeug-Keramikobjekte wird auch der Egg Cup EMIL in unserem Studio in Hamburg individuell gedreht und anschließend glasiert. Leichte Abweichungen in Form sowie Glasur können auftreten und sind charakteristischer Teil des manuellen Herstellungsprozesses. Jedes Stück ist somit ein unverwechselbares Unikat.

Like all our stoneware ceramic objects, the EMIL Egg Cup Bowl is individually wheel-thrown in our studio in Hamburg and glazed afterwards. Slight variations in shape and glaze may occur and are a characteristic part of the manual manufacturing process. This makes each piece truly unique. 


Höhe: 2 cm
Ø: 8 cm


Lieferzeit: 3-10 Tage

Preis pro Stück.

Microwaves and ovens are discouraged.

All ceramic pieces are dishwasher safe. Wooden items should be cleaned with a damp cloth but should never be placed in the dishwasher or submerged in water.

Shipping within 5 - 10 business days.

Handmade in Hamburg

We Are Studio Studio has constantly evolved while remaining true to their core values. Ini's unwavering commitment to the beauty and uniqueness of contemporary craftsmanship sets her apart. Each ceramic and object piece is meticulously handcrafted and ensured that every item is a work of art.